Multiple televisions showcased in a room, offering a diverse range of options for viewers.
By Darren Low

SKY & Logic+Magic – unlocking the power of connected TV

June 10th, 2022
1 min read

Connected TV has changed TV advertising, made it more accessible to more brands, leveled up targeting and joined up TV to Digital with site visit tracking and remarketing capabilities.

If you’re a brand manager, marketing manager, marketing director or CMO – you could be on TV reaching your ideal customer profile with zero wastage from just a £3,000 media buy.

If you are new to TV or don’t yet know about the power of data driven connected TV then this session is for you.

You can sign up here and join us on 28th June 2022.

We’ll reveal insights from SKY’s inhouse team on how to get the most from the platform with real commercial examples of what works, including:

  • How to tap into over 2,000 data variables to pinpoint your perfect target audience.

  • How connected TV can multiply the impact of an integrated campaign that includes other channels, for example OOH and Digital media.

  • What level of creative content tailoring delivers best results when it comes to relevancy vs reach.

We will also share campaign examples and successes where brands have:

  • Targeted lifestyle segments, in this case vegans

  • Supported local stores with tailored messaging

  • Connected with mums of toddlers

  • Targeted pet owners at home

Darren Low.
Darren Low

Managing Director

With over 25 years' marketing experience, Darren’s true focus is to build a business to better suit the client side marketeer.