By Darren Low

The benefits of working a nine-day fortnight

January 25th, 2023
3 min read

Flexible or hybrid working is something that has recently become much more commonplace within businesses, particularly since Covid impacted our lives almost three years ago.

Here at Logic+Magic we have fully embraced all the new ways of working. There are some real benefits of being able to choose where and when to work and having an office environment available can provide benefits for everyone.

As a dad of two girls, one in primary the other in secondary school, the effect of flexible approaches to work has been significant. I’m not new to the world of flexible or remote working, having done it since 2003. I’ve worked from football stadium broadcasting matches and sent news release from the sides of mountains using 1G on an old Motorola phone, to deliver information to journalists about rallying events. Until recently the world of mainstream work and workers didn’t really see what ‘working from home’ was about. In fact, people were often labelled lazy or work-shy by colleagues or managers because they were working from home.

The benefits of hybrid working

Working hybridly meant so much to a single parent like me, who worked from 6am to midnight every day for months during Covid. Home-schooling, counselling, and exercising with my daughters. Those lockdown months were difficult, but we got through them and the results are significant for my working environment. I’m able to work from home and be flexible, to be there when my girls need me. So school runs, assemblies, school productions, after school sports clubs, I can work them into my daily routine, so both work and my children get my time and effort. The girls appreciate it and to see their smiles whenever I’m there to support them, is so rewarding.

9-day-fortnight at Logic+Magic

At Logic+Magic, we have a 9-day-fortnight working pattern. Allowing us to have every other Friday off to spend as we choose. It’s surely one of the most flexible working patterns I know of and gives me and my colleagues a variety of options to deliver the flexibility that many of us crave.

We know that the traditional 9-5 working day, with morning and evening rush hours, are now obsolete for many people so brought this working pattern in for the good of everyone. Here at Logic+Magic, we’re definitely pushing the boundaries further than most, which is great to see and means weekends can be freed up to do fun things, instead of food shopping, washing and cleaning.

When you read stats that say 92% of millennials say flexibility is a top priority when job hunting and 80% of women and 52% of men want flexibility in their next role, I know Logic+Magic’s policy is part of a driving force in supporting workplace change for the better.

People are happier and most importantly for me, I get to play a very active part of seeing my girls grow up – something previous generations were never able to do.

Darren Low.
Darren Low

Managing Director

With over 25 years' marketing experience, Darren’s true focus is to build a business to better suit the client side marketeer.