Customer testing.
By Emma Hodgkinson

The cost of getting it wrong: why testing is crucial for your campaigns + busting some testing myths

August 13th, 2024
6 min read

We understand that marketing teams are under an immense amount of pressure. With internal stakeholders constantly checking in and looking for quick fixes, all while the competition seemingly land campaign after campaign without fuss, it can feel like you’re trapped inside a pressure cooker, ready to pop.

With that in mind, in the relentless race to deliver campaigns quickly and under budget, businesses often find themselves cutting corners. Tight deadlines, limited resources, and the pressure to perform can lead to a dangerous oversight: skipping customer testing. This process of gathering feedback and insights from your target audience helps to ensure that your campaign hits the mark, achieving the desired impact. Without it, your campaign may fall short.

Picture this: you’re a business in a struggling, competitive market and you have dedicated months of work and a huge amount of money on developing a product launch campaign. You have a great idea and decide to just go with it. You develop your creative and need to decide on which to choose -- so you ask the opinion of your stakeholders and those in the room to speed things up. Your product launch campaign goes ahead and... disaster strikes; it turns out you’ve made a huge mistake. It does not land well.

So, where did it all go wrong?

Your stakeholders are not your customer.

Opinions that drive business decisions can have a seismic impact. All that time and money on developing creative is potentially wasted because you skipped a crucial step: customer testing. Was it worth it? 

The importance of testing

Testing is not just a checkbox; it's a critical component of strategic decision-making that can make or break a campaign. Without testing, there is no way to know for sure if your customers are going to respond well.

Here’s 3 reasons why testing is so important:

Avoiding brand damage through miscommunication

Launching a campaign without testing can lead to miscommunication and misinterpretation. Imagine a logo or slogan with unintended meanings—it can confuse, offend, or alienate your audience, eroding trust and loyalty. An example of this is when car manufacturer Kia unveiled its new logo in 2021. The cursive design was misread by many consumers, resulting in 30,000 web searches for ‘KN car’. A huge misstep from the brand.

Making your campaign and content work smarter

Without testing, you miss the chance to refine your creative assets and messaging. Testing reveals what resonates and what doesn't, allowing you to fine-tune your approach and stand out from the competition.

Preventing major blunders

Testing acts as a safety net, catching potential issues before they spiral out of control. Addressing problems during testing is far more efficient and cost-effective than dealing with them post-launch.


The consequences of getting it wrong

Neglecting testing can lead to catastrophic outcomes that damage your brand and bottom line:

  • Financial loss

Correcting errors after a campaign has launched can be exorbitantly expensive. The cost of rebranding, reprinting, or relaunching is significantly higher than investing in testing upfront.

  • Reputational damage

A poorly received campaign can irreparably damage your brand’s reputation. Public backlash and negative media coverage can lead to a loss of customer trust and a decline in sales.

  • Cultural insensitivity

Failing to test for cultural nuances can result in offensive or insensitive content, alienating key demographics and sparking backlash. The reputational hit from such blunders can be severe and long-lasting.

A key example here is the Pepsi advert featuring Kendall Jenner that was eventually pulled by the brand, following backlash. The advert was criticised for being insensitive to social justice causes such as Black Lives Matter, trivialising the protests by having Jenner offer a police officer a can of Pepsi as a way to diffuse tensions.


Common myths about customer testing

You might think testing isn’t for you. Businesses frequently dismiss customer testing based on myths that can sabotage their success. Let’s set the record straight:

  • Myth 1: Testing takes too long

Many believe that testing is a time-consuming process that delays project timelines. This myth couldn't be further from the truth. Today’s digital tools and agile methods from strategy experts allow for rapid testing and iteration, integrating seamlessly into even the tightest schedules.

  • Myth 2: Testing is expensive

The cost of testing pales in comparison to the potential financial loss of a failed campaign or rebrand. Testing is an investment that safeguards against costly blunders, helping you get it right the first time. There are also many ways to conduct testing to suit your budget and the scale of your business, so there’s no excuse to dismiss it.

  • Myth 3: Testing is superficial

What testing isn’t: ‘I like option A best’.

What testing is: Rich, actionable insights using a proven framework to better understand your customer’s perceptions and behaviours. Is your message compelling enough? Is it memorable? Is it believable? These are questions we will ask to ensure your campaign resonates with your audience.


How Logic+Magic conduct testing

At Logic+Magic, we understand that rigorous testing is the cornerstone of successful campaigns. We employ a structured framework to ensure thorough and effective testing. Not only that, using that information we provide recommendations for bringing your campaign to life, while our in-house creative team can action any necessary changes.

Defining clear objectives

We collaborate with clients to set precise goals and parameters for testing, ensuring that we collect relevant, actionable data.

Engaging the right audience

Our testing strategies are designed to reach the right audience, providing insights that accurately reflect customer perspectives and preferences.

Analysing and refining

We meticulously analyse feedback to identify key insights and areas for improvement, enabling us to refine campaigns for maximum impact and effectiveness.


Ready to safeguard your campaigns from costly errors? Contact Logic+Magic today to learn more about our testing services and ensure your brand’s success.

Emma Hodgkinson

Strategy & Channel Director

A customer centric strategist, Emma weaves brand, customer and commercial strands together to form growth driving strategies. Strong client side and agency side experience.