
How to not fall off Google with your new website.

  • Leanne Dempsey
  • Mike van Rooyen
Image of Leanne.

About this masterclass

We’re exploring the reasons why SEO is not always considered as standard when rebuilding a website, and why making the investment to include SEO in website development is beneficial.


  • How involving SEO in a website build helps to mitigate risk

  • Why developers aren't implementing search best practice as standard

  • What to expect from your developers during a migration

  • How SEO supports development during a website migration

  • Summary + Conclusion 

Date + Time

  • 13th March 2024

  • 14:00

Location + Duration

  • Online

  • 45 - 60 minutes

About the speaker

Image of Leanne.

Leanne Dempsey

Head of SEO View linkedin

With over 10 years of experience in many industries including financial services, retail, travel and non-profit, our Head of SEO Leanne is keen on getting under the bonnet of your website to discover what might be halting growth whilst generating long term plans to grow highly relevant website traffic from organic search.

Join the next masterclass


Transform now: supercharge your healthcare marketing with data-driven creativity


In this Masterclass, our Managing Director Darren Low will share insights gained from his 25+ years of experience on how focusing on targeted data, especially through platforms like Sky AdSmart, can significantly enhance marketing efforts for health and pharma brands in the UK. The session will emphasise the importance of combining data-driven insights with creative strategies to create emotionally engaging and effective marketing campaigns that drive brand growth.

  • 11th September 2024

  • 14:00

  • 45 - 60 minutes

Darren Low