
Why it's time to burn the annual marketing plan

  • Emma Hodgkinson
Image of Emma.

About this masterclass

We examine why the annual marketing strategy + plan is a waste of everyone’s time, doesn’t deliver the results you need, and what a better approach might look like.


- The vicious cycle of the annual marketing process
- Breaking the cycle and delivering results aligned to long-term brand and customer behaviour changes
- Tips on how to get started
- Summary + Conclusion

Date + Time

  • 15th May 2024

  • 14:00

Location + Duration

  • Online

  • 45 - 60 minutes

About the speaker

Image of Emma.

Emma Hodgkinson

Strategy & Channel Director View linkedin

A customer centric strategist, Emma weaves brand, customer and commercial strands together to form growth driving strategies. Strong client side and agency side experience.

Join the next masterclass


Transform now: supercharge your healthcare marketing with data-driven creativity


In this Masterclass, our Managing Director Darren Low will share insights gained from his 25+ years of experience on how focusing on targeted data, especially through platforms like Sky AdSmart, can significantly enhance marketing efforts for health and pharma brands in the UK. The session will emphasise the importance of combining data-driven insights with creative strategies to create emotionally engaging and effective marketing campaigns that drive brand growth.

  • 11th September 2024

  • 14:00

  • 45 - 60 minutes

Darren Low