Dog smiling while getting its hair cut.


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Pets at Home


Retail + Consumer Goods

Pets At Home: unleashing brand Presence on TV

When opportunity barks, you answer! Pets At Home found themselves sponsoring ITV's 'Britain’s Top 100 Dogs – Live', an unexpected chance to roar their brand presence. They aspired to spotlight not just the flagship brand but also the ensemble – Vets4Pets, GroomRoom, and others. The catch? Adhere to the rigid tenets of sponsorship idents.

The strategy

Pets At Home wanted more than just a logo on a screen. They envisioned integrating their brand essence with the show's theme, leveraging idents to elevate brand recall. How do you bring in dogs, reflect the brand's services, all within the constraints of a sponsorship ident?

Dog sitting on a chair with one person either side.
iPad with an image of a person cutting a dogs hair.

The solution

Our cue was the dogs. Crafting 12 unique idents, we envisaged moments when, during commercial breaks, dogs would saunter 'backstage' for a sprinkle of care, grooming, or a change in attire, courtesy of the Pets At Home team. It was not just an advert; it was a mini-narrative marrying the brand with the program, aiming for heightened brand recall.

The impact

The race against time (a mere 3 weeks from inception to broadcast) was intense. But steering the entire production voyage – from ideation, casting, to final dispatch – we not just met, but surpassed Pets At Home's expectations. The seamless blend of brand essence with engaging content reinforced their trust in us

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