Proposition Development

A clear proposition sets the direction of travel, with customer-led insights and brand data at its core.

Captivating customers with a persuasive and compelling proposition

Weleda Baby Logo.
Growth coaching international logo.

Most markets are saturated. The customer base is inundated with hundreds of marketing messages every single day. What makes your brand so special, eh? Every business thinks they have something unique to offer, but the reality is, many don’t–or they haven’t established what it is yet. So, how can you make your customers believe that what you have is better than your competitors?

If you have a new product/service or an existing one that you want to supercharge forward into the mind of your target customer, one of the crucial elements is a strong and compelling proposition. It’s our job to help you understand how you take your brand/values and make them meaningful for your customers. Not only does this clearly define the benefit of your brand, product or service, but within the marketing strategy process, it provides clear insight-led direction to the creative team about how best to bring everything to life.

Your brand occupies a unique space in the competitor landscape; a clear propositionunderpins this and brings it to life.

Send a clear message

Articulate the core value and benefits you bring to your customers.

Own it

Creation of an ownable space for your brand to sit within the market/competitor landscape.

Align with brand identity

Be consistent in your offering and reinforce your value.

Image of Emma.
Emma Hodgkinson
Strategy & Channel Director

A customer centric strategist, Emma weaves brand, customer and commercial strands together to form growth driving strategies. Strong client side and agency side experience.

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